They make sure that each message you send is coming from an authorized account by verifying that it’s actually coming from your inbox address. Signatures – These are for adding an extra layer of protection against spoofing and phishing attacks.S/MIME uses RSA encryption technology to digitally sign and encrypt emails so that only the intended recipients can view them. S/MIME certificates – S/MIME stands for Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and is an open standard for public key-private key encryption and signing of email messages.This can be useful if you want to protect information from unauthorized access, for example, when sending sensitive documents to external parties. Office 365 Message Encryption – Office 365 Message Encryption is a service that lets you send and receive encrypted emails.Encrypted emails are sent using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is a protocol used to verify the identity of a server and create an encrypted connection. This means that no one can read them except for the intended recipient.

Most people are familiar with the basic security features, such as the ability to password-protect emails and prevent recipients from forwarding or copying messages. Read on to find out how to send secure email in Outlook. To prevent unauthorized access, you can use Outlook to encrypt the message. Have you ever sent an email to the wrong person or meant to send it to one person but mistakenly sent it to someone else? For example, you may want to send confidential information over email, but you don’t want your message to be easily accessible. Home › Outlook › How to › How To Send Secure Email In Outlook